The Dogo Argentino is a large white short-coated dog with a smooth muscular body that rarely has any markings. Its height is about 62 cm (24.3 inches) at the witers for male dogs and 60 cm (23.5 inches) for female dogs. The maximum height is about 68.5 cm (27 inches). The length of the body is just slightly longer than the height, but female may be somewhat longer in body than male dogs. The length of the front leg (measured from point of elbow to the ground) is approximately equal to one-half of the dog's height at the withers. The head has a broad, slightly domed skull and the muzle is slightly higher at the nose than the stop, when viewed in profile. The tail is set low, thick at the base and tapers to a point. It has been described as being similar to an American or a large, solid white American.
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
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11:25 AM
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