Ferrets have become the third most popular house pet in the USA, and their owners now represent a large cross-section of America. Most pet ferret owners are upper middle class or professional people who work all day. Frequently they are single women or childless couples over 30 years of age. Generally, ferrets are pets of adults, not children.
What do people like about ferrets?
Ferrets are very playful animals that act silly and express their love of life in a way that many of us find totally enchanting. They explode out of their cages at play time, leaping and twisting and scampering, with an obvious joy that is contagious to the people observing them. They have a distinctive, bouncing movement that is often referred to as a 'weasel war-dance,' because they often open their mouths and hiss as they jump around. People who have never seen this before may feel that they are going to be attacked, but it is just an expression of the ferret's exuberance. A group of ferrets released to play together are more entertaining to a ferret-lover than an Oscar-winning action feature, and ferrets work for free and do their own stunts. In the excitement, they often accidentally run into walls or furniture, and apparently do not notice the pain that these collisions must cause. Young ferrets have enormous energy, and are usually not interested in being held for even a moment, struggling to be off again as soon as they are picked up. A ferret endears itself to its owner just by its way of moving, rather like a large, furry inchworm.

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